The Upside to Breaking Down
There are many perks to being a resident of the Bluegrass State, but one of the definite downsides has to be the fact that you're landlocked. While Kentucky has its share of beautiful lakes (one of which is in the county where I live), we are not blessed with salt scented air, sandy beaches, gorgeous water, or waves. Photo: So should one have a hankering for salt scented air, sand, clear water, or waves, you must traverse outside Kentucky. And while every personality test I've ever taken scores me as a 99th percentile extrovert (which strikes me as accurate as my mother began refusing to go shopping with me because, "you know too many people and have to talk to everyone and it takes forever to get out of Walmart"), I genuinely treasure time to myself. Probably because I was an only child for five years, but it is no big deal for me to do stuff like supper, movies, or even going to the bathro...
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