The Greatest Science Experiment EVER
Today was the last day of school for us. (Hello Christmas Winter Break, no alarm ringing, lounging in pajamas, and wasting time.) And being the outstanding teacher I am, we were engaged in rigorous classroom experiences from the moment they walked in the door to the second they walked out. (And that's not a joke, thanks to Mary's Polar Express unit. It's so awesome I'm plugging it on my own volition.) However, Polar Express had to wait until we had finished our Reading Mastery lessons for the day, which is where I was privy to the most awesome hypothesis yet to be tested. We have a thing in my room-we all like the spotlight on us. And we will do whatever we can to make sure it's on us. Case in point: Reading Mastery has just begun-half of my class leaves for different RM groups, but having a smaller audience means you can be more clearly heard, so we gear up for some pretty sweet soliloquys despite the less than full house. I'm going over the checklist bef...