
Showing posts from June, 2018

Tell All Tablets: A Forever Freebie for Back to School

In the interest of authenticity, I’ll say it: I like glyphs.  There.  I've admitted it and I’m not taking it back. I think they're a fun way to get in reading comprehension (or listening comprehension if your students are not yet readers), add some color to a boring day, and learn about your students.  And let's not forget that glyphs hang on one crucial skill: following directions.  However, it has been my experience that the higher the grade, the fewer glyph options available.  Also, STEM is such a massive trend at the moment anything else seems to have fallen to the wayside.  I’m seeking to remedy this. The “Tell All Tablets” are a glyph intended for older students (such as grades 3-5), though they could be used with younger students.  (Yes, I am aware I don't need the auxiliary before "Tell All Tablets".  However, I am from the South and we like to hear ourselves talk, so that necessitates throwing in an unnecessary word in here or there...

Random Review: Royalton White Sands Resort-Trelawny, Jamaica

So even though this blog has the word "classroom" in it, I will occasionally share some anecdote that has nothing to do with teaching or learning.  Welcome to the inaugural post of Random Reviews. *I should also add that this post is in no way affiliated with any of the subsequent products.  I am not getting compensated in any way for my opinions, but I'm totally open to it.  Just sayin'.* Teaching in Kentucky means adhering to an instructional calendar that usually runs somewhere from August to May, with kids typically beginning classes the second or third week of August and finishing the year the week of Memorial Day.  It's my understanding that school calendars of other states run from September to to mid-June.  Since they dismiss students a little later than my district, I try to get traveling planned for those few days before the other districts are out on break.  I like people and all, but I try to limit to a minimum the number of people exp...

Happy Fri-YAY! and ANOTHER $25 TpT Gift Card Giveaway!

The weekend is almost here!  What can make a weekend better?  A gift card to use on TpT, of course! Today's the last day of the "Relax & Win Giveaway", so good luck!  Click HERE to enter! Also, congrats to these fine folks who won the earlier gift cards! Tuesday: Ana Wednesday: Dina Thursday: Beth 

ANOTHER $25 TpT Gift Card Giveaway?! Yes, Please!!

Congrats to Ana S. who won yesterday's $25 TpT gift card! Don't lose heart-we are giving you another opportunity to win a $25 gift card to TpT. Simply click HERE to enter.   Good luck!

The Wait is Over: $25 Gift Card Giveaway!

Because we 💗 teachers, several AMAZING TpT Teacher-Authors and I are hosting a $25 gift card giveaway!  You can sign up HERE.

Because Summer's Not Exciting Enough...

In the immortal words of the gone-too-soon-rest-in-peace-sir Mr. Tom Petty... The waiting is the hardest part!

The Upside to Breaking Down

There are many perks to being a resident of the Bluegrass State, but one of the definite downsides has to be the fact that you're landlocked.  While Kentucky has its share of beautiful lakes (one of which is in the county where I live), we are not blessed with salt scented air, sandy beaches, gorgeous water, or waves.   Photo:   So should one have a hankering for salt scented air, sand, clear water, or waves, you must traverse outside Kentucky.   And while every personality test I've ever taken scores me as a 99th percentile extrovert (which strikes me as accurate as my mother began refusing to go shopping with me because, "you know too many people and have to talk to everyone and it takes forever to get out of Walmart"), I genuinely treasure time to myself.  Probably because I was an only child for five years, but it is no big deal for me to do stuff like supper, movies, or even going to the bathro...