
Showing posts from December, 2012

How To Help Sandy Hook

Our guidance counselor sent us an email with this info.  What great ways to help. Ways to Help Sandy Hook Elementary When school resumes for Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT; it will be in a new building. The school district is preparing to reopen an older, empty school building to educate the students of Sandy Hook for the remainder of the year. The building is yet stark and undecorated, and here is where we can help. Ways a classroom, child or grandchild can help: "We are asking your students to make and decorate a snowflake. We will hang them in the hallways at the stark, new building where the Sandy Hook students will be returning. PLEASE NO WORDS! We want just a cheerful, happy (glitter and sparkle) environment for the students entering the new building. Please pass on to any teachers you think may want to participate. When you send your snowflakes, please include a note to tell us where they are from (your school, class, town, etc) to display a

Parent Letter About Sandy Hook

Because I can't read or write about Sandy Hook without crying, this may be the only thing I say about it.  As a kindergarten teacher (and former first grade teacher) this tragedy strikes extra close to home.  I know most parents must wonder what schools are doing to help keep their child safe.  I wrote the following letter and will send it home tomorrow.  (I also emailed it to my principal first, just to make sure everything was kosher.)  Parent Letter                          

We Grieve With You
