
Showing posts from December, 2014

A Good Teacher

We've reached the mid-point of the year and it's time of reflection for many of us in education.  We think about the first few months and what went well, what didn't go so well and what we hope we never see again. For me, personally, it makes me reflect on what makes a good teacher... A good teacher knows your name... "I have indelibly printed you on the palm of each of my hands." Isaiah 49:16, Amplified Bible A good teacher plans... "For I know the plans for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and future." Jeremiah 29:11 A good teacher is gentle… "A bruised reed He will not break, a smoldering wick he will not put out." Isaiah 42:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."  Psalm 147:3 A good teacher challenges… “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone .” John 8:7  A good teacher sees the potential… "I will make you fishers ...

Professional Conduct

One of these will be going to work with me tomorrow.  Know which one? I thought so. Happy last week-hope you and yours have a great holiday and break!

Lies I've Told To Maintain My Sanity

The holiday season is upon us and I am offering you, dear reader, something better than a freebie.  My district has seven more days until the winter break so here are various lies I've uttered to help maintain order and decorum in my room.  As a bonus, I've sorted them into degree of difficulty.  If this is your first year teaching, do not attempt the last few whoppers.  Hopefully these will get you through the last few days before break. And yes, these are actual statements that just may have left my mouth.  (Don't judge-sometimes a girl gets desperate.) For the New Teacher : I've got your mom/dad/granny on speed dial. (Okay, so there's a 90% chance this may be true.) I know Santa's number.  For the Seasoned Teacher : I've got Santa on speed dial. You don't have to finish your work now. Sugar, you can stay after school and finish it. I'm here until 8 o'clock. Some nights I don't even go home I just flip my desk upside down sleep inside of i...

Word Matters

Like all good nerds, I have a massive book pile adjacent to my bed. In the midst of those books is a book or two on vocabulary instruction, but I'm not certain either could have prepared me for the "teachable moment" dropped at my feet today. As far as technology and I go, it's a love/hate relationship.  I love it; it hates me-with a passion. So when the the Smartboard in my room is uncooperative, I simply shrug and tell the kids, "Look at that.  It's being sassy."  I've said it so many times that while some of them are still learning to spell their names, they are crystal clear on the definition of the word "sassy".  They've even been known to say that word on occasion. But imagine my surprise when the board started acting up today and one sweet little girl shook her head and said, "Look at that.  The Smartboard's being sexy."