
Showing posts from October, 2017

Walk Up Music Wednesday, Vol. 5

(Need to know how this all started?  Go here .) Last week was a flurry of conferences and this week included a district walk through, report cards, and an awards ceremony.  These songs helped me to mentally take on the day. Monday -"Forever and Ever, Amen" by Zac Brown Band and Randy Travis.  Yes, I know Randy straight up owns this song.  I have loved this song ever since I was in the 5th grade.  But as incredible as the solo Randy version is, I really love the instrumentation on the Zac Brown Band/Randy collab.  First of all, ZBB's harmonies are second to none, which makes it a great song.  But this version sounds just a little... sweeter than Randy's.  I don't know if it's the tempo or what, but it just sounds kinda delicate or vulnerable or something.  I can't articulate it at this exact moment, but when I can I'll let you know. Tuesday -"Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell.  Okay, so this one didn't actually happen.  I kn...

Walk Up Music Wednesday, Vol. 4

(Wondering what Walk Up Music Is?  Start here .) Walking through the parking lot is a little different now-there's no sun beginning to peek out, there's a definite chill in the air, forcing me to move a little more quickly into the warmth of the building.  But that doesn't mean I'm going to slack off in the tunes department. Monday -"Take the Money and Run"  by Steve Miller Band.  It was payday.  Enough said. Tuesday -"Want You to Want Me" the Jason Derulo and Luke Bryan version.  I really like both these guys independently, but when you put them together the sum is truly greater than the parts.  And Luke trying to be urban cracks me up.  Every.  Single.  Time. Wednesday -"You Can't Hurry Love" by the Dixie Chicks.  Somehow Tuesday I got to talking to a colleague about this song and decided to play it Wednesday morning.  Yes, I know the Supremes are amazing and there will never be another Diana Ross.  But I'm a Ken...

Dress Code

Does this qualify as a dress code violation?

Walk Up Music Wednesday, Vol. 3

Welcome to another edition of Walk Up Music Wednesday! (Wondering exactly what that is?  Start  here. ) When we last met, Fall Break was upon me and I had 4 entire days to partake in lunch specials that end before I leave school, not yell, "Why won't you work?!" to an errant copy machine, and go to the bathroom whenever I felt like it.  You probably already know this, but few sensations are as exhilarating as being able to put down a task, visit the bathroom knowing you will not have to wonder if someone's already in there, and grab something to sip on before you head back.  Plus, you don't have to wonder how many kids will be doing what they're supposed to upon your return.  Teaching is the only profession I know that should you change your location for 3 minutes (even having multiple adults supervise in your leave) it completely changes the atmosphere of not just your room, but other classrooms as well.  It's basically the butterfly effect only in a...

Can A Girl Get A Clue?

If you will allow me to indulge in memories of when I was as an elementary student, I can tell you that one of the more life changing experiences occurred in the 5 th grade. One of the most exciting experiences occurred when Mrs. Hagley passed around the most recent Scholastic Book Club circulars.  I eagerly anticipated (and relished) browsing the summaries of  various books.  One November I ordered a small book of poems titled, It’s Christmas by Jack Prelutsky . As I was an avid reader/student, I read each of the silly and endearing poems repeatedly until I practically had them memorized.  So during that last week before winter break, the 5 th grade was given a task to work with the younger grades by reading a book aloud to a primary classroom.  Mrs. Hagley assigned me to read to a kindergarten class and I was given the choice of Mrs. Hagley selecting a book for me or bringing my own.  I was so excited I could hardly stand it-I was getting a chance ...


(From: )

Walk Up Music Wednesday, Vol 2

For the sheer joy of music, I'm sharing the tunes I listen to while walking into building.  Feel free to try for yourself. :) Monday -"Get Ready" by The Temptations Tuesday -"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper (Although IMHO, the Miley Cyrus version is totally acceptable.) Wednesday -"Lord, I Hope This Day is Good" by Don Williams or Lee Ann Womack Thursday -"9 to 5" by Dolly Parton Friday -"I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor