10 Reasons Candy Crush is Like Teaching
10. You can spend way too much time on it. 9. You wonder how anyone else lived to tell about a difficult level. 8. Like teaching children, there are more than one pathways to reach your goal. 7. When you don't reach your goal, you immediately begin planning new strategies. 6. You start out happy and energetic but by the end of the game all you want to do is lie down. 5. You are constantly looking for your "in" to the level (i.e. striped candies, disco balls). 4. When you meet a fellow Crusher, you really don't want to talk about anything else. Everyone around you is bored by this talk, but you are energized. 3. You go online for resources. (I've Googled, "How to beat level __" at least three times.) 2. After a difficult round, you sit back and think what a fine mess you've gotten yourself into. 1. You don't giv...