Summer "School"
As an educator, I strive to continue to be a life long learner. I have half of my master's degree completed and am spending the majority of my summer reading reading professional books, participating in a book study online and going to three days of professional development. (I mean, who does that? Of their own volition? It all adds up to NERD-but, hey, I'm owning it.) I thought the most beneficial lesson I'd learned was how to successfully teach guided reading. Until today. Today I learned that if you're meeting your friend Jennifer for lunch there are a couple of do's and don't s. For example: Do take the time to make sure you put some kind of cosmetics on your face. Because it will be the day that you get interviewed for KET (Kentucky Educational Television). Don't leave the house with wet hair. Because it will be the day that you get interviewed for KET. And God and the Commonwealth will get to see you looking like that. Do make sure y...