Prayers For Your School: A Prayer for Your Colleagues

Like many teachers I know, I love Jesus.

Though you wouldn't always think it-depending on the day I may not smile in the hallway, might not be the perkiest participant in whatever meeting I'm attending.  I cry and cuss on occasion (though not in front of kids).  I go home at night wishing I had been more Christ-like to all with whom I interacted.  I know people who both know me and read this post will no doubt be able to list many other of my shortcomings.

So it is with a humble heart I'm sharing Bible verses to pray for your school.  These are verses that for whatever reason encourage me in my faith walk.  I hope they do the same for you as well.

Please join me in praying the following verse for the adults in our various buildings as we begin a new school year:

  May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
     establish the work of our hands for us-
  yes, establish the work of our hands.
                                   Psalm 90:17

I'm praying that the Lord favors you, your grade level team, your administrators and paraprofessionals, your special education, specials staff and your counselors.  I'm praying the Lord favors your crossing guards and bus drivers, your custodians and cafeteria staff.  I'm praying that all the kids and families with whom you cross paths will be blessed.

I sincerely hope the Lord's favor is upon you this school year, and it rests there.  (Isn't rest such a lovely word?  It's one of my favorite four letter words.)  I pray He establishes the work of your hands so that you know He is there with you and your faculty in the midst of year.

And if you want a reminder of just what to pray, here's a little something:

You can click here to grab this as a document and print it. I'm going to print and put on my desk.


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