The 5 Seasons

Like everyone I personally know, I was under the impression that there are four seasons.

Boy, did I learn a lesson today.

I was following along our Reading Mastery language script which calls for the recitation of various facts.  So I posed the thought provoking question: "How many seasons are there?"

To which 17 sweet voices replied, "Four!" and one indignant voice sounded off: "Five!"

I queried a second time to the same results, then a third, which is why I had to ask my small friend who kept insisting there are five seasons to clarify her thinking:
"Yuh-huh, Ms. Foster! There are five seasons!"

"And they are...?"

"Winter, spring, summer, fall and flu."


  1. How long have you been doing reading mastery? We are just setting up to implement in K-2 classrooms as of the new year. Have you had good results?

    1. Hi Daples!
      Nice to hear from you! To answer your question...

      The short answer: I love it.

      The long answer: I love it! Here's why:

      Our entire school is using Reading Mastery for whole group and small group instruction. Since we are all utilizing this, we have common instructional blocks.

      We tested every child in the school and saw where they were on the RM curriculum. Every day for 45 minutes there are 11 or 12 RM small groups running concurrently that work solely with the K and 1 students. Some of my students go to another teacher based on needs (some go to lower, some to higher groups). After 45 minutes they return and we do the language and spelling lessons whole class.

      I have 11 kids in my group and can see a difference after only 3 weeks (because of the way funding goes, our school didn't get the materials until October and we started the program in mid-October). I have a Tier 1 group so my numbers are a little larger. The smaller groups are the ones with Tier 3 students. We are able to have so many groups because our 7 kindergarten and first grade teachers have groups as well as our 3 interventionists and 2 Title 1 teachers.

      I like that it's direct instruction and systematic. I have one child in my small group who is a reluctant reader and after not even three weeks he is engaged and when I do the quick assessments during the small groups he always lets me know I forget to point to a sound. :)

      Another reason I like it is because as far as paper work and planning go, it's not nearly as labor intensive as Daily 5 (which I adore) or 4 Block (fan of that as well). Right now I'm seeing improvement in how my students stretch out words when reading and writing. Our lessons are getting more challenging so I'm excited to see what happens in the coming months.

      Does your school use Reading Mastery? Have you encountered success?

      I wasn't sure how the whole group

    2. Yikes! Somehow I lost my place. I wasn't sure how whole group would play out, but we are enjoying it! Maybe this time I will hit publish at the right time!
      Take care!

    3. We are just starting as of January, I am in Australia so it is the beginning of our school year. We are starting with K-2 and will be placing them in groups across the classes. We are praying it brings the results we've read about.

    4. Sorry it took so long to reply-a little under the weather. I think you'll really like the program. It seems a little slow at the beginning but you will see results before you know it. Please keep me posted-I'm interested to see how your school likes it!

  2. Sorry I forgot to hit the notify me button.


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