We Like to Move It, Move It

The fun thing about kindergarten is they have boundless energy. 

The hard thing about kindergarten is they have boundless energy. 

(True story: if they don't get up, move around and act silly the first thing we do is check their temp.  Because my people are ready to sing and dance at the drop of a hat.  I guess it should be drop of a pencil since we never drop hats in the room but plenty of pencils. But I digress...)

Every 45 minutes or so we take a movement break. 

As I am so very fortunate to have a projector in my room, whenever we need a quick break we just tune into Youtube and find the perfect song.  It may sometimes be the chicken dance, the hokey pokey or Cupid shuffle. 

This week I'm loving this off of Just Dance 4:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zpymfdBLDPY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Between the melodrama of the song and the wrestlers it works perfectly.  Trust me.  (When all the boys in your class are saying, "I'm that one!" you know you've picked a winner.)  The kids are all sorts of engaged and you cannot help but hide a chuckle over the whole affair. 

If you need a quick movement break for your room, my go to site is this playlist.  I love since it's all kids, I'm not worried about the lyrics or costumes. 

And what classroom would be complete with Mario? 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OgKJDlMrSgI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

(Bonus points if you hear that music and it takes you back to your own elementary days.)

Hope your people enjoy these as much as mine!


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